Higher Salaries Motivate Teachers To Work Overseas
Posted on July 15, 2020

There has been an increase in the number of teachers leaving the UK to work overseas, research from the Council of British International Schools has found.
Reporting on the survey, the Times Educational Supplement revealed that the proportion of UK teachers emigrating to teach internationally and receive a higher salary has increased by five percentage points since 2018.
The number of teachers who cited a higher salary as one of their main reasons for leaving the UK for international jobs was up slightly in the same period, from 44 per cent in 2018 to 49 per cent in 2020.
However, the biggest motivation for teachers upping sticks and working overseas was the chance to travel and explore new cultures, with 72 per cent of those questioned citing this as their main reason for moving.
Enjoyment and challenge was the second most popular reason for teachers to seek out a change, with a higher salary in third place on the list.
The organisation’s report also recommended that the UK should market teaching as a global profession to help boost the intake of trainee teachers, as well as to “allow UK schools to benefit from the repatriation of skills developed in an international context”.
Any teachers that are thinking of moving overseas to take an international teaching job in time for the start of the new school year could make the process less stressful by opting to use a door to door moving company.
If you are looking for a new start, take advantage of the rise in virtual viewings and the improvement in their quality, that has come about as a result of the global pandemic.